A downloadable fitness app for Android

I was frustrated at the free fitness apps. I had trouble finding one that would let me:

1) make my own routines

2) not limit the number of routines I could use

3) not require me to sign in with a trainer

4) let me make circuits within my routine.

like, I'm sure there is one, but I tried out like 4 and was unsatisfied so I made this. it can do those things, you can run any routine, its probably buggy as heck. don't put a \n into anything or it WILL break.

Also, as a side note I challenged myself to only reference AI (Chatgpt) when I had a question or needed help. some things it did really well, if you have the logic already figured out and are precise about what you tell it it can be effective, but it also took 1.5 hours to figure out how to change the colors on a button with it so theres definitally issues still. works best if you already know how to do what you need to do, but don't have experience with the syntax of the language (or are just lazy). gpt 4o is much better than 4o mini when it comes to coding.



stupid simple fitness app.apk 9.4 MB

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